Are you looking for a new vacuum cleaner to replace an old, broken one? Or maybe, your needs have changed and the one you have no longer supports you? Well, switching things up can be a good thing, but in most cases, it brings along changes in spending behavior, which is why you should always be prepared to tackle this as comfortably as possible. There are a couple of things you can do to make sure that you are prepared for your next vacuum purchase.

Here are some easy tips that will surely come in handy.

1. Budget Ahead

Pick the moment when you want to buy your appliances and start including their price in your monthly budget. You can try for Black Friday, but if your pick is sold out before you get to it, you might end up with a higher price tag, or a poor-quality product. December is a big-spending month anyway, and prices usually soar, so it is best that you get it in the summer or early fall.

2. Save Before You Spend

Before you make any big purchase, start saving money. In order to do this, you could either go old school (piggy banks or a pen and paper) or opt for the help of a budgeting app. Nowadays, putting money aside doesn’t seem as easy as before, given all the modern incentives for spending: online shopping, food delivery, website memberships, and so on.

Honestly, some of us need some sort of tracking system to get things running. One of the most common ways to save money quickly and get a hold of your financial lifestyle is actually reducing the costs of other things in your life. This is where apps like Qube Money come in really handy. It’s kind of like having a digital wallet that takes care of everything for you. You will even get virtual envelopes for each spending category. Neat, right?

If you’ve decided that you’d fancy more of a digital way of planning things, a budgeting app could be the healthiest choice for you. By adopting such a tracking method, you are more likely to not overspend, but make rational, educated purchases, rather than buying on impulse. In other news, don’t forget to compare products, read reviews, and look for the best product that suits your needs.

3. Choose Wisely

It is very often that quality comes with a higher price tag, but that is not always the case. When you have found the one and you are in love with it, do not hesitate to make a purchase! For example, this vacuum might just be the perfect fit for your house. You have read the reviews, compared features, and eventually decided to buy it. Although it comes with an intimidating price tag, it is worth saving money to afford to get a high-quality and durable model.

4. Round-up

If you want to save money on the go, get in the habit of rounding up your purchases to the closest multiple of 5. You can even set yourself a limit. For instance, this rule can only apply to anything over $20. Pay in cash and simply store away the change or calculate what you owe the piggy bank when you get home.

5. Buy in Bulk

Anything that can be bought wholesale or in bulk, go for it, as long as it is non-perishable or you are sure you can use it in time, of course. You will be surprised by just how many things can be bought in bulk. You can even get vacuum cleaner bags that are available in big packs, designed to supply your household for years to come!

6. Prioritize

Make a list of all your expenses and see which ones are needs and which ones are wants. After you set aside the money for food, housing, bills, and savings, prioritize the rest. This way, the most important of your wants will get funding the fastest. Start a separate savings bin if you cannot afford your vacuum purchase in one go.

7. Know Your Needs

Think of what kind of space you have available and what kind of vacuum cleaner you need. Take into account the allergies you or your family might have and the areas you want to clean. If your carpet vacuum needs replacing, leave looking for a mattress cleaner for another time. Do not be afraid to upgrade or change the style of vacuum you would usually use, though. What your home needs now may not be what it needed ten years ago, and you should look for tools that suit the change.

8. Consider What You’ll Be Cleaning

Oftentimes, people get carried away by the vast array a certain vacuum cleaner model has to offer. However, your vacuum purchase should focus solely on what your specific needs are. Keep in mind that if you want to save money, you need to strip out as much unnecessary features as possible.

For example, you might not need a wet-dry vac unless you have a workshop or need to clean out construction areas. Similarly, if you don’t need to vacuum liquids, that type of vacuum won’t help you out all that much. You can get something much cheaper if all you need is to get rid of dust.

9. Repairs Are a Better Option When Low on Cash

If you can’t afford the vacuum that you need right now, and your old one can still be repaired rather easily, then consider doing the repair. It’s a much better option than blowing all your cash on a new model. At the very least, it will help you clean your house until you are able to gather the necessary amount of money for a better vac. 

10. Your Vacuum Purchase Can Wait Until the Prices Drop

If all else fails, then the best thing is to just wait until the prices drop. There are multiple periods throughout the year when retailers and producers offer major discounts, so you don’t really have to wait all that long to begin with.

From March to May, more specifically. Because many people believe in the concept of “spring cleaning”, this is the period where most vacuum manufacturers offer discounts so that they can ship more units for the high demand. Otherwise, you can wait for the winter holidays, Black Friday, or Cyber Monday. 

Bottom Line

You now have all the tools, tips, and tricks to afford your next big vacuum purchase. Be logical, use your resources wisely and you will have a reliable tool that you can use for years and years! Feel free to leave us a comment down below if you have any other suggestions.

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